Focusing on Actors

The film I have chosen is, “Wizard of Oz”, and the three characters I have chosen are Judy Garland who plays Dorothy, Margaret Hamilton who plays Miss Gulch/The Wicked Witch of the West, and Frank Morgan who plays multiple parts such as: Professor Marvel/ Wizard of Oz/ The Gate Keeper/ The Carriage Driver/ The Guard.

When classifying these actors Margaret Hamilton and Frank Morgan I feel are character actors as they are able to adapt to each screen part that needs played. A character actor is someone who can fit invisibly into a wide range of characters and as we see Margaret Hamilton was able to do that and so was Frank Morgan as he had many characters to play in the Wizard of Oz. I chose the star character for Judy Garland as she was known all throughout Hollywood with producers and actors but as well with the audiences she captivated. Many people loved to watch her on stage and have her to work with them because of her talents.

The actor I chose to look at was Judy Garland. I also feel that the category of star actor best suits her through out her movies she has done, because she was always in the main scenes, her singing voice was really vocal throughout her movies, in theatres such as Carnegie Hall and in night clubs.

I think her being considered a star actress says, that she is able to perform with great talent in anything she done, and was able to show her talents whether it be acting or singing to all audiences of any age and that they were able to connect with her and the person she portrayed.



GoodyKoontz, B. & Jacobs, C.P. (2011). Film: From watching to seeing. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland- Good Mornin, (1939).