The creating of lighting, in “A Walk to Remember”.

The movie I chose to look at with the lighting choices it used is, “A Walk to Remember”.

Identify the type of lighting used in the this film, such as high or low key and/ or traditional three point.

I feel in my own opinion that all three lightings were used at different times to make this movie. Such as: when Shane West as known as Landon comes over in the day time to read lines with Mandy Moore also known as Jamie,  it is natural light because it is outside giving high light to that particular scene. Particular scenes at school give off high light as they use the windows in the rooms, which gives a bright scene as well.  A low level lighting that was used, was when they were looking through the telescope at night. Everything is dark , but there is just enough light to show their faces and the telescope.  A traditional three point light was used in the school play they put on. You could see the background set up, but the light was focused on either both Jamie and Landon, or one or the other. As she sung, the light was brought to her face and body bringing her into the picture and not the whole entire scene.

Assess the impact of the lighting used to establish the theme.

The lighting shows two kids who are in high school and fall in love, all though Jamie is sick and dying of leukemia which he doesn’t find out toward the end. The lighting shows the emotion as they become close or far apart, the emotion can be seen more in the darkness and it intensifies that scene more, as where the light shows more of the surroundings as they are walking or going through them.

What are the benefits of the style of lighting used.

The benefits used bring the characters parts more to life and reflect more on them and the part they play. The lighting can make things look more dramatic, fun or eye opening to what is really happening in this movie.

How did this technique contribute to the theme?

I feel this technique contributes to the theme, in the way a walk to remember, is some what casted at night, and that is when a lot of the romantic scenes take place or more intimate actions are said. That is when they can open up more and be themselves, and where they find each other.

How was the lighting technique suited for this genre?

This genre is a romantic drama genre. The lighting only enhanced the moments of love, suffering, and finding one another. It also brought to light the natural scene as one would go about their day to day lives if they were dating or spending time with another.

How would this scene be played it different choices were made?

I feel if she had not been sick, or died, this scene could have showed the life they could have lived in a happy wonderful life with high key lighting showing all the wonderful ventures they would take.